About Me

I am a certified professional Co-active Coach based in south Wales and have trained with the Co-Active Training Institute. I have also trained with the Firework Career Coaching Programme – Firework is an advanced career-change coaching programme, accredited by the ICF.
I was one of the first politicians in the newly established National Assembly for Wales where I served for 17 years from 1999-2016. During that time I gained a wealth of experience engaging with people from all walks of life. My work also included working internationally on behalf of the Welsh Assembly and mentoring aspiring women politicians and those seeking to make a greater contribution to public life.
Before becoming a politician I worked in education as a careers advisor, teacher and youth worker and managed an education business partnership developing links between schools and business. A strong advocate of lifelong learning, I was particularly interested in economic development, equal opportunities, community regeneration and women’s history but in 2016 I made the decision to stand down from politics so that I could pursue other interests and passions. In 2016 I gained a Doctorate from the University of South Wales. I am also a committee member of the Women’s Archive of Wales and an experienced public speaker.
I have experienced the enormous benefit of Co-active Coaching myself – my political career was hugely exciting but at times very challenging and stressful. Coaching gave me a greater degree of clarity of what was important and of value to the whole of my life, not just in terms of career, family, friends and personal fulfilment but also my effectiveness in contributing to society as a whole.
Contact Christine Chapman Career Coaching
Please follow this link to my Contact page. Alternatively email: chris@christinechapmancareercoach.co.uk