Career lessons from the world of politics

Some time ago I attended an ‘in conversation’ event where Julia Gillard, former Prime Minister of Australia, talked about her experiences of politics. Her story was an inspiring one.
Gillard had moved from south Wales to Australia with her parents and sister at the age of 4 where she eventually became not only its 27th Prime Minister but its first female one. Her 3 year period of office was both extraordinary and turbulent. Yet in the face of an often hostile media and challenges from political opponents she remained steadfast to her ideals and sense of purpose in leading her country.
Don’t sacrifice your self esteem for a couple of bad headlines
When asked how she had managed to keep going despite the pressure, her advice was simple: Don’t sacrifice your self esteem ‘for a couple of bad headlines.’
Julia Gillard had come to this conclusion by observing the behaviour of others around her. She noticed how more senior colleagues would be confident and self assured one day but would transform into shadows of themselves when confronted by a negative press the next. Her take away from that was that you’re fundamentally the same person whatever happens. As she describes in her autobiography My Story she became practised in not viewing herself ‘through the eyes of others’ and ensuring her self esteem was not ‘hostage to the outcomes of battles or perceptions of popularity.’
Why resilience matters
What a great piece of advice! In our working and social lives we are always going to be at the mercy of bad days and difficult people and situations. That is a given. If we allow our confidence and sense of worth to be dictated by the whims of others then we won’t flourish.
In Gillard’s case it was her resilience which made all the difference. That is a sentiment with which I can certainly identify as a former politician in the Welsh Assembly. Political life comes with the privilege of prestige and influence but it is often like living in a gold fish bowl and you have to keep pretty grounded to get through it all.
As a Career Coach I sometimes work with people who may be struggling to deal with difficult work colleagues who constantly put them down or even with challenging situations which undermine them. Such scenarios can make them question their own sense of self worth. But a clear sense of purpose and an understanding of your values can go a long way in helping to deal with this effectively. Both of these can help develop your resilience, a protective mechanism which can sustain you when things get tough. Julia Gillard characterised her resilience as a muscle: the more you use it the better you become. Perfect sense surely ? So when those bad headlines come your way you can shrug your shoulders knowing you have all the tools to cope.
If you would like support in developing your resilience, please send me an email: