Packages and Prices
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Packages and Prices



Start a New Page

Are you embarking  on a new phase of your life such as retirement, moving to a new location, a new job, children leaving home or a relationship change?  Do you want to use this new phase to start to do things  your way for a change, to live on your terms? Then I am offering a 3 session package  where you start to plan your ‘new page’ where you will feel more energised, confident and have more clarity about the way forward.



Career Change

Are you thinking about a career change but don’t know where to start? Are you feeling unfulfilled in your present job but lack the courage to take that first step to make a change?  I am offering a 9 session package which will support you to move into a career which is more fulfilling and which will give you the confidence and clarity to move into the future with optimism.



Clarity and Confidence at Work

Is your present job making you feel anxious and stressed?  Do you feel undervalued?  You want to  remain with your current career but you would like the courage to assert yourself better and be clearer with your bosses and co-workers as to what you really want. I am offering a 6 session package which will help you develop more resilience and become your ‘best self’ at work.



Individual sessions

I offer individual coaching sessions which can be tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. Please contact me to have an informal chat on fees and to discuss how these sessions can work for you.



For more information please contact me:                                [image:Kouji-tsuru]


